Tuesday, December 4, 2007

i'll be there

"I'll always be there. Always. It's not the powers. Not the cape. It's about standing up for justice. For truth. As long as people like you are out there, I'll be there. Always."
this quote sings to me ... it lifts my heart, its like hearing Jesus Christ's sermon at the mount for the first time, its like eating your first hamburger, its as great as your ice cream from the ice cream man. Joy, this makes me feel like a child holding my superman action figure, while wearing my superman cape with a tomato soup stain on my white superman shirt. a quote by a fictional character made me feel this way, wow, simply amazing. but what the hell, sometimes superman installs more faith in humanity and justice, even the people then actual heroes do. ill listen to speeches from FDR, Gandhi, MLK Jr, ect and say wow that's amazing, but when a fictional character like superman floors me, this puts more faith in imagination then reality. it allows me to feel like i can fly, to which all i would need is a red cape, and to believe enough ... wow, if only superman were real ... if only, if only. because i know ... i know deep within my heart, (right next to Jesus and yes he is wearing a superman t-shirt) that he'll be there.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

great superman t shirt imagery. Stunning stuff tuna.